A last hurrah for all the kids! A few different games were introduced throughout the hour; a bean bag toss (made with real Lima beans and cut up pajamas), A marble maze made from recycled toilet paper rolls cut into halves, and milk jug ball catchers (which also doubled as fetching hats). We also hand colored and decorated some paper airplanes, applying strips of recycled shopping bags to make "vapor trails". They looked super cool when they flew.

WEEK 5_Letter Decoupage
Everyone was given their own personal letter representing their first names, and I used a homemade Mod Podge* recipe using corn starch, that had a groovy, gloopy consistency. Collage meets Decoupgae...Decoucollage anyone?
*Stir 1/4 cup of corn starch into COLD water
Add 4 cups of BOILING water and mix
(makes about 3 mason jars full of Mod Podge)

WEEK 4_Clay Sculptures
This was hands down my favorite class project of the summer session. I provided all the students with a block of clay, pipe cleaners, pre-cut cardboard & foam shapes, popsicle sticks, etc, and let them go to town. They made some really inspired stuff, from wishing wells to pirate ships, across the board, this was a total hit.

WEEK 3_Nature Crowns
This week's art class was inspired by an Arts & Craft blog called Maya Made. Lots of amazing ideas here, check their blog HERE. The plants and flowers were all freshly gathered in the morning right before class, growing wild in nature. Special thanks goes out to my first teacher's helper, Maya (no relation to the blogger).

WEEK 2_Watercolors
I made the watercolors from scratch, from a pretty simple recipe I found online:
1 Tbs vinegar
10-15 drops of food coloring
1/2 cup to 1 cup boiling water
Mix together and let cool to room temperature.
Adding some crayons, we got a nice blend of washes with resistive properties. Many of these are Sotheby's ready if you ask me.

WEEK 1_Vegetable & Fruit Prints
Mmmmm, such a delicious spread, but our appetites were sacrificed for exceptional art making. I think these kids have been studying too much Twombly and Pollock, they need to branch out a bit.